In the heart of Bawku, Ghana, a poignant and uplifting drama unfolds, capturing the essence of community spirit and resilience. “Tindana” tells the story of Amali, a young, determined boy whose ambitious project to build a tricycle ambulance transforms his village and addresses critical healthcare challenges, particularly the high maternal mortality rate.
The narrative begins with the harsh realities faced by Amali and his village due to inadequate healthcare. The urgency of the situation becomes heartbreakingly clear when Asinim, Amali’s stepmother, faces complications in her pregnancy. With no reliable means of transportation to get expectant mothers to the hospital in time, the village is in dire need of a solution.
Inspired by his family’s struggles and the dire situation in his village, Amali embarks on a daunting mission to build a tricycle ambulance. Despite facing numerous challenges, including technical difficulties and skepticism from the villagers, Amali’s resolve remains unshaken. With unwavering support from his father Awindago and his friends Teni and Max, he scours a scrapyard for materials and works tirelessly to bring his vision to life.
As the tricycle ambulance nears completion, a dramatic turn of events puts it to the ultimate test. Asinim goes into labor, and her life hangs in the balance due to complications. Despite initial doubts, the tricycle ambulance becomes the village’s lifeline. Amali’s perseverance is rewarded as the ambulance successfully transports Asinim to the hospital, saving her and her newborn’s lives.
The story culminates in a celebration of the village’s unity and resilience. The successful launch of the tricycle ambulance, named “Tindana” (Protector of the People), symbolizes hope and progress. The villagers, led by Awindago and Amali, embrace this innovation, which stands as a testament to their collective effort and determination to improve their community’s future.
Director’s Note
“Tindana” is more than just a film; it is a reflection of the real struggles and triumphs of the people in our community. Inspired by true events, this story is a tribute to the resilience and spirit of those who, despite all odds, continue to fight for a better future. My hope is that “Tindana” will resonate with audiences and bring attention to the issues faced by our village.
Through “Tindana,” we aim to highlight the importance of community support and bring awareness to the healthcare challenges in rural areas. We believe in the power of storytelling to inspire change and foster understanding.
We are proud to announce that the cast of “Tindana” will feature talented actors from Ghana, Kenya, Uganda, and Malawi. This diverse cast brings a wealth of experience and authenticity to the story, enriching the film with varied perspectives and performances.
For inquiries or more information, please contact phone: +233 24 212 2832
“Tindana” is a heartwarming tale of ingenuity, community spirit, and the enduring power of hope in the face of adversity. It is a story that will inspire and resonate, shining a light on the transformative power of determination and collective effort.