The short animated film “Till Death,” directed by the talented Kofi Kyei, has been officially selected for the esteemed Annecy International Animation Film Festival. This honor signifies a major achievement for Kyei and the entire team behind this extraordinary project.
“Till Death” is a collaborative creation between Saber Films and Acute Formula, a company specializing in visual storytelling, design, and technology. Featuring the voices of renowned actors Fiifi Coleman and Ama K. Abebrese, the film brings its characters to life with their captivating performances.
Kofi Kyei, who gained acclaim with his 2019 feature film “95,” has once again showcased his storytelling prowess and innovative filmmaking approach. “95” received widespread praise from both audiences and critics, setting high expectations for Kyei’s future endeavors.
The journey of “Till Death” began during the inaugural “Director’s Call” screenplay contest, organized by filmmaker Peter Sedufia and his OldFilm Production studio. Initially conceived as a very short film of less than two minutes, the project evolved significantly in story and scope, ultimately becoming an eight-minute animation. “This project started off as a very, very short film, less than 2 minutes. But we changed the story and some materials, and it’s now about 8 minutes long,” Kyei shared in an exclusive interview.
The Annecy International Animation Film Festival, held annually in Annecy, France, is one of the world’s most prestigious animation festivals and an Oscar-qualifying event. Established in 1960, Annecy has a rich history of celebrating the art of animation, providing a global platform for both established and emerging talents. The festival includes various competitions, screenings, and industry events, such as the MIFA (Marché international du film d’animation) pitch sessions, where selected projects are presented to industry professionals.
Kofi Kyei announced the exciting news on social media, revealing that “Till Death” had been chosen to pitch at this year’s MIFA sessions at Annecy. This opportunity not only underscores the film’s potential but also offers a significant platform for further development and collaboration with industry experts.
“Till Death” stands out for its unique storyline, exceptional animation, and the dedication of its creative team. The selection at Annecy is a testament to the hard work and vision of everyone involved in the project. It is a moment of pride for Kyei, Saber Films, Acute Formula, the entire cast and crew, and the Ghanaian film community.
As the film prepares to make its debut on such a prominent stage, we look forward to its impact in the world of animation. “Till Death” promises to be a captivating and thought-provoking addition to the festival, and we eagerly await its reception by audiences and industry professionals alike.
Stay tuned for more updates on “Till Death” and its journey at the Annecy International Animation Film Festival. This is just the beginning for Kofi Kyei and his team, and we are excited to see what the future holds for this talented filmmaker.