Ghanaian filmmaker, Benedict Yeboah, is set to release a new romance-drama film titled ‘Part-Time Woman’. The film revolves around the cultural traditions of Ghana and follows the love story of Dede, a young Krobo initiate who falls in love with a young Ashanti man, Kwame. However, Dede is faced with a tough decision, choosing between love and culture, as her tribe demands that she completes the dipo rites before making love to a man.
Benedict Yeboah’s passion for telling stories that educate and entertain is commendable. With “Part-Time Woman,” he not only showcases the richness of Ghanaian culture but also emphasizes the importance of understanding and preserving traditional values. The story of Dede, a young Krobo woman torn between love and culture, is one that resonates with many people around the world who can relate to the conflict between tradition and modernity. Yeboah’s choice to feature Haaf slippers, a brand that symbolizes the fusion of old and new, adds a unique touch to the film and highlights the beauty of Ghana’s cultural diversity.
Haaf is a footwear brand that consists of half Ahenema and half Tanned leather, and therefore a coming together of the old and new; traditional and modern.
As Benedict Yeboah brings his vision to life, audiences eagerly anticipate the release of “Part-Time Woman” and look forward to the impact it will make on bridging the gap between generations and cultural understanding.
The cast includes actors Salomey Kudji, Aaron Adatsi, Justice Arhin Koomson, and Ben Affat, which Benedict Yeboah wrote the screenplay for and also directed and produced.
Synopsis: Dede, a young Krobo lady forbidden from having sex with anybody during her lifetime due to tradition for evading the dipo rituals as a dipo rite novice, falls in love with a young Ashanti guy who seems to be the love of her life without a doubt.
Dede is forced to choose between giving up her culture or the love of her life.